any references on this page can be explained at Pat Jacobsen's Fruit Crate Labels dot com website. 2008 http;//, these are all subjects I have an interest in or information about after more than 30 years of full time research.
a. hoen and co., a.carlisle and co., advertising, agri-lithography, agribusiness, agriculture, agrilithography, agrilitholigist, antique posters, advertising, agrilithology, albert delmasso, alois senefelder, amcal, american ephemera society, american antique graphics, american lithograph, american fruit growers, american ephemera society, ampico, antique labels, antique dealers, antiques, aolian, apple growers association, apple labels, apples, appraisals, apricot labels, archives, argentina, fruit industry, arizona, art collectors, art deco society, art nouveau, art, art deco, artichokes, artifact, artists, asparagus, auction, aurora h.o. model racing, australia apple labels, authentic labels, aviation history, avocados, b.c. printing and litho, bancroft lithograph, beer labels, beer ads, ben day, bentley house, berries , bill gaylord, bill bentley, blue anchor, blue goose, bob taffe, bookends, box labels, boyer printing co., brand-names, brandau-craig-dickerson, brass statue, british columbia, britton and rey, broccoli, brogdex, bronze statue, bronze nudes, buffalo beer, bulman bros. litho, buster brown, c.e. beck, c.f.f.l.x, Caddy labels, caesar chavez, cairne's antiques, california heartland, california orange box labels, california packing corporation, california state fair, california fresh fruit label exchange, california dream, california history, california fruit canners association, california fruit growers exchange, california fruit exchange, calvert litho, camembert labels, can labels, canada agriculture industry, canada, canadian labels, canneries, canning labels, cantaloupe labels, cantaloupes, carrots, cartons, case-end, cauliflower, celery, ceramic, cerebro lithographs, cfflx, chemical printing, cherries, cherry labels, children images, christmas, chromolithograph, chromolithography, cigar label gazzette, cigar box labels, cigar labels, citron, citrus label society, citrus labels, clip-art source, cold-storage, colin crews, collectibles dealers, collecting clubs, collector's guide, collectors, color advertising, color labels, columbian art works, commercial lithography, commercial art, computer mousepads, congdon, connell brothers, contra costa county, cooperative exchanges, copyright, cranberry labels, crate art, crate labels, crate expectations publishing, crate labels, crates, crim, crocker-union lithograph, crops, cubehouse, cucumber, currier and ives, dams, david freiberg, decanter, decorator items, del monte, denver lithograph co., Depression, design, di giorgio fruit corporation, digiorgio, diamond fruit growers, inc., Dick maule, dickman-jones, direct lithography, don wayne, don wirf, duckwall, duo art, dustbowl, dusty labels, duthie and company, dwayne rogers,, e. Shelley morgan, earl fruit company, ebay, eccentricities, edwards and deutsch lithograph company, edwin t. Earl, eggplant, elvgren, ephemera, erotica, ettiquettas, exotica, exporters, f.C. Stettler mfg. Co., Farm life, farming, fava beans, figs, fine arts, firecracker labels, fishing collectibles, flavorseal, florida orange labels, florida growers press, flowers and plants, fly rods, fly fishing, food packaging, frank allen collection, frank gallucci, frank h. Buck co., Frankart, freygang-leary, fruit growers, fruit growers association, fruit labels, fruit brokers, fruit orchards, fruit crate label society, fruit packers, fruit wrappers, fruit crate labels, fruit box labels,, fruits and vegetables, fruitas y verduras, g.f. rust company, galloway lithographing company, gallucci, garlic, gaudette brothers swap meet, gaylord's mercantile, george s. harris and sons, george schlegel litho., German printing, ghiselli brothers, gift items, gilbert-jones-rugg co., Gini lukaszewski, girlie, gold rush, gordon mcclelland, grant-mann litho, grape labels, grapefruit labels, grapes, graphic arts, green gold, green beans, green onions, guide to fruit crate labels, h.s.. Crocker company, halpin lithograph co., hopland, hopland fruit growers assn., berryessa, verryessa valley, sugar loaf, sugar loaf, berryessa pear growers , schoenahl, archie schoenahl, hopex, stained glass, millennium art glass company, Hasbeens, hasbeenwannabees, hawaiian pineapple labels, health, heggblade- marguleas, henry gorham, hillcrest press, historians, historic labels, historic printers, historical consultant, history, hobby, hood river, oregon, hotel del monte, hula girl, hunt-hatch co., Idaho, ikeda's, image licensing, publishing, images ago, importers, indians tribe names, investment opportunities, irrigation, jacobsen's first international price guide, janie steele, japanese agriculture, jay last, jerry chicone jr, jim and linda mackie, joe davidson, john grossman, john medley, john salkin, justman-frankenthal, karen hofstadt - salmon labels, kay - marshall, kiwi, kovel's, kvie, l.A. Miller, l.P. Ginsburg co., Label collecting, label, label buyer, label collectors, label art, labelling, labology, lake county, lambert marketing company, lastreto, laurie gordon, lawson-marden, lehmann printing and lithograph co., lemon labels, let's talk fruit labels, lettuce, lettuce labels, levy zentner, liberty gold fruit company, ligo, licensing images, limes, limestone printing, limone, litho stone, litho, lithograph history, lithograph, lithographers, lithographic, lithographics, lithographing, lithography, log of a cabin boy, logos, loreley, lorie cairnes, lorne allmon, los angeles lithograph co., Louis roesch company, louisiana yams, louisiana yam labels, lug box labels, lugs, lukaszewski, m. Schmidt and company, manzanar, marcas de las fruitas, marilyn blaisdell, marketing, markets, max schmidt, medford, meihle, Millennium art glass company, presses, melon labels, melons, memorabilia, mendelson-zeller, mendocino county, mermaid, mike davos, missions, model motering, moire, mousepads, mr. Max, muirson label and lithograph co, museu de la taronja - espana, museums, mutual label and lithographic, naked lady, naumes, navel orange, nectarines, neuner litho, new zealand, new york grape labels, north-central washington, northwest fruit exchange, nova scotia, nuart, nuchief, nude photography, nude statuary, nudist, offset lithography, okra, old promises, old west, old advertising, olives, olsen bros. Litho, olsen lithograph company, onions, orange labels, orange groves, orange wrappers, orange grove cottage, orange crate labels, orange box labels, oranges, orchard, orcharding, orchards, oregon, state history, oregon, organic farming, original paper collectibles, original labels, otis mcallister co., Out of the west publishing, inc., Owens valley water project, pacific label news, pacific fruit exchange, pacific coast history, pacific fruit and produce, packaging, package design, packin' house, packing labels, packing house labels, paper collectibles, paper collector's marketplace, pat jacobsen's collector's guide to fruit, pat jacobsen's first international price guide, patco enterprises, patco internet, pcm, peach labels, peaches, pear labels, pears, peas, peppers, persimmons, petty, pflueger reels, photo-mechanical, pin-up art, pineapple labels, pingree-brengle, pingree-traung, pioneer fruit company, placer county, placerville, playboy, player piano rolls, plums, pma, polansky, pomegranates, pomona, pooley fruit company, porterville, portland, postcard collecting, poster art, posters, potatoes, pre- cooling, preservation, price guide, print collecting, printers, printing, printing press, printing history, prints, produce packing, produce markets, produce news, produce labels, produce industry, product packaging, prunes, racy, radishes, railroad history, raisins, ralph and terry kovel, rare labels, rare collectibles, red ball, redheads, refrigeration, rejobi , r.f. outcult, rhubarb, richey and gilbert, ridgway lithograph company, risque, riverside county, riverside orange labels, robert opie, robert t. Cochran co., Row crops, rudy schmidt, rural life, ryan and newton, ryan fruit company, s.A. Gerrard co., Sacramento river, salesmen sample books, salinas vegetable labels, salinas, salmon can labels, sample room, sample books, san francisco earthquake 1906, san fransicso lithography, san francisco, san francisciana, sanguinetti, santa claus, schlegel, schmidt lithograph company, schmidt, schmidt label and lithograph company, schwabacker-frey, schwencke, seattle, litho stones, robert c. mannheim, sebastopol, seed packets, sgobel and day, sgobel and day, shipping,, stone litho, shipping point inspection, shook, simons and french, simons, shuttleworth and french, simpson-doeller, siren, skookum dolls, skookum apple growers, snoboy, south carolina peach labels, southern oregon sales, spain, spanish labels, spanish orange labels, spanish citrus, spinach, spokane valley, spokane lithograph company, squash, stecher lithograph company, stecher- traung lithograph company, stecher-traung-schmidt, steinhardt and kelley, stewart fruit company, stipple, stone printing, sun-maid raisens, sunkist, sunkist labels, sunset produce company, sunsweet prunes, susan naumes, sweet potatoes, convector, convector wood stove, luap associates,l.u.a.p. associates, wood loop, t. Pat jacobsen, t.P. Jacobsen, tasmania apple labels, texas citrus and vegetable industry, texas vegetable labels, the depression, the packer, the dalles, the gifted line, thomas patrick jacobsen, thomas jacobsen, three dimensional nudes, thunderjet 500, tobacciana, tom polansky, tom jacobsen, tom fay, tomato labels, tomatoes, tommy jacobsen, tony hyman, topless, trains, trash or treasure, traung, traung label and lithograph, tree fruit, tucker-hanford, u.S.D.A., Union lithograph company, united states printing and litho co., Valencia, spain, valencias, varga, vegetable growing, vegetable labels, vegetable packing, vegetable production, vegetable, vicente abad garcia, vintage art, vintage advertising, victorian era, virtual gallery, vintage lithography, virtual malls, walla walla, walle and co., washington, washington history, washington state apple commission, washington apples, water history in the west, watsonville, watsonville apple labels, wenatchee, washington, wenatchee valley, wenoka, westamerica woodworks, western lithograph company,,, albaran, albalat de taronchers, albarat, alcantarilla, alcira, algemesi, algezares, alicante, novelda, almanera, almazora, almenera, antella, anvers, aufahuir, barcelona, bargosa, beniajan, murcia, benial, beniajaro, benifaro, benifaraig, berja, blanca, burriana, carcagente, callahora, castellon, corbera de alcira, cullera, delta, delayo, denia, enova, fuente, encarroz, gandia, granada, jansa, jativa, lijona, liege, leige, logrono, manuel, vali, madrid, molina de segura, moncofar, murcia, nules, oliva, orihuela, palau, palma de gandia, gandia, pego, picana, pintor, polina de jucar, potries, potres, potiers, pintor, puebla larga, puzol, ribera, rotgla, sagra, alicante, sagunto, santa cruz de tenerife, sedavi, simit de valencia, tabernes, naranjas, limone, tales, torreaguer, valencia, torrente, valle de uxo, vergal, villareal, villarreal, zaragosa, spanish citrus labels, labels of spain, spanish orange, naranjas, marcas, marcas de las naranjas, etiquetas naranjeras de espana, the ultimate fruit label book, yakima museum, john baule, del bice, delmer bice, yakima historical society, washington apple label book, schiffer publications, extra fancy, florin box company, western history, bob villwock, perry mills, paul klempau, kit bailey, marc mccartney, jazz, gigs, venues for music, drive, flying whale, brandname infringement, otm, mirror image, objects in the mirror,, radisson, tower of power, steely dan, bob villwock, perry mills, mark mccartney, kit bailey, alan kuehne, drive,, mirror image, extra fancy, label art of the pacific northwest, stained glass, commission, florin box company, sample book, salesman, yakima valley museum, ultimate label book, ultimate fruit label book, millennium art glass company, keith jah b i, keith stewart, tom menig, lorraine gervais, wadi gad, endangered species, peter mcgrain, raphael schnepf, painting on glass"> millennium art glass company The leading site for trustworthy appraisals,historical information, gigantic selection, fair prices and customer support for all label collectors. Collections purchased!
a. hoen co., a.carlisle and co., advertising, agri-lithography, agribusiness, agriculture, agrilithography, agrilitholigist, antique posters, advertising, agrilithology, albert delmasso, alois senefelder, amcal, american ephemera society, american antique graphics, american lithograph, american fruit growers, american ephemera society, ampico, antique labels, antique dealers, antiques, aolian, apple growers association, apple labels, apples, appraisals, apricot labels, archives, argentina, fruit industry, arizona, art collectors, art deco society, art nouveau, art, art deco, artichokes, artifact, artists, asparagus, auction, aurora h.o. model racing, australia apple labels, authentic labels, aviation history, avocados, b.c. printing and litho, bancroft lithograph, ken burns, florentine films, beer labels, beer ads, ben day, bentley house, berries , bill gaylord, bill bentley, blue anchor, blue goose, bob taffe, bookends, box labels, boyer printing co., brand-names, brandau-craig-dickerson, brass statue, british columbia, britton rey, broccoli, brogdex, bronze statue, bronze nudes, buffalo beer, bulman bros. litho, buster browm, c.e. beck, c.f.f.l.x, Caddy labels, caesar chavez, cairne's antiques, california heartland, california orange box labels, california packing corporation, california state fair, california fresh fruit label exchange, california dream, california history, california fruit canners association, california fruit growers exchange, california fruit exchange, calvert litho, camembert labels, can labels, canada agriculture industry, canada, canadian labels, canneries, canning labels, cantaloupe labels, cantaloupes, carrots, cartons, case-end, cauliflower, celery, ceramic, cerebro lithographs, cfflx, chemical printing, cherries, cherry labels, children images, christmas, chromolithograph, chromolithography, cigar label gazzette, cigar box labels, cigar labels, citron, citrus label society, citrus labels, clip-art source, cold-storage, colin crews, collectibles dealers, collecting clubs, collector's guide, collectors, color advertising, color labels, columbian art works, commercial lithography, commercial art, computer mousepads, congdon, connell brothers, contra costa county, cooperative exchanges, copyright, cranberry labels, crate art, crate labels, crate expectations publishing, crate labels, crates, crim, crocker-union lithograph, crops, cubehouse, cucumber, currier and ives, dams, david freiberg, decanter, decorator items, del monte, denver lithograph co., Depression, design, di giorgio fruit corporation, digiorgio, diamond fruit growers, inc., Dick maule, dickman-jones, direct lithography, don wayne, don wirf, duckwall, duo art, dustbowl, dusty labels, duthie and company, dwayne rogers, e. Shelley morgan, earl fruit company, ebay, eccentricities, edwards deutsch lithograph company, edwin t. Earl, eggplant, elvgren, ephemera, erotica, ettiquettas, exotica, exporters, f.C. Stettler mfg. Co., Farm life, farming, fava beans, figs, fine arts, firecracker labels, fishing collectibles, flavorseal, florida orange labels, florida growers press, flowers and plants, fly rods, fly fishing, food packaging, frank allen collection, frank gallucci, frank h. Buck co., Frankart, freygang-leary, fruit growers, fruit growers association, fruit labels, fruit brokers, fruit orchards, fruit crate label society, fruit packers, fruit wrappers, fruit crate labels, fruit box labels,, fruits and vegetables, fruitas y verduras, g.f. rust company, galloway lithographing company, gallucci, garlic, gaudette brothers swap meet, gaylord's mercantile, george s. harris and sons, george schlegel litho., glenn wright, the label guys, labelguys, label guys,, the label guys, label guy, skyranch, glenn wright,,,, ,,,,, joe shoemaker,,,, lukaszewski, ebay,, dwayne rogers, German printing, ghiselli brothers, gift items, gilbert-jones-rugg co., Gini lukaszewski, girlie, gold rush, gordon mcclelland, grant-mann litho, grape labels, grapefruit labels, grapes, graphic arts, green gold, green beans, green onions, guide to fruit crate labels, h.S. Crocker company, halpin lithograph co., Hasbeens, hasbeenwannabees, hawaiian pineapple labels, health, heggblade- marguleas, henry gorham, hillcrest press, historians, historic labels, historic printers, historical consultant, history, hobby, hood river, oregon, hotel del monte, hula girl, hunt-hatch co., Idaho, ikeda's, image licensing, publishing, images ago, importers, indians tribe names, investment opportunities, irrigation, jacobsen's first international price guide, janie steele, japanese agriculture, jay last, jerry chicone jr, jim and linda mackie, joe davidson, john grossman, john medley, john salkin, justman-frankenthal, karen hofstadt - salmon labels, kay - marshall, kiwi, kovel's, kvie, l.A. Miller, l.P. Ginsburg co., Label collecting, label, label buyer, label collectors, label art, labelling, labology, lake county, lambert marketing company, lastreto, laurie gordon, lawson-marden, lehmann printing and lithograph co., lemon labels, let's talk fruit labels, lettuce, lettuce labels, levy zentner, liberty gold fruit company, ligo, licensing images, limes, limestone printing, limone, litho stone, litho, lithograph history, lithograph, lithographers, lithographic, lithographics, lithographing, lithography, log of a cabin boy, logos, loreley, lorie cairnes, lorne allmon, los angeles lithograph co., Louis roesch company, louisiana yams, louisiana yam labels, lug box labels, lugs, lukaszewski, m. Schmidt and company, manzanar, marcas de las fruitas, marilyn blaisdell, marketing, markets, max schmidt, medford, meihle presses, melon labels, melons, memorabilia, mendelson-zeller, mendocino county, mermaid, mike davos, missions, model motering, moire, mousepads, mr. Max, muirson label and lithograph co, museu de la taronja, espana, museums, mutual label and lithographic, naked lady, naumes, navel orange, nectarines, neuner litho, new zealand, new york grape labels, north-central washington, northwest fruit exchange, nova scotia, nuart, nuchief, nude photography, nude statuary, nudist, offset lithography, okra, old promises, old west, old advertising, olives, olsen bros. Litho, olsen lithograph company, onions, orange labels, orange groves, orange wrappers, orange grove cottage, orange crate labels, orange box labels, oranges, orchard, orcharding, orchards, oregon, state history, oregon, organic farming, original paper collectibles, original labels, otis mcallister co., Out of the west publishing, inc., Owens valley water project, pacific label news, pacific fruit exchange, pacific coast history, pacific fruit and produce, packaging, package design, packin' house, packing labels, packing house labels, paper collectibles, paper collector's marketplace, pat jacobsen's collector's guide to fruit, pat jacobsen's first international price guide, patco enterprises, patco internet, pcm, peach labels, peaches, pear labels, pears, peas, peppers, persimmons, petty, pflueger reels, photo-mechanical, pin-up art, pineapple labels, pingree-brengle, pingree-traung, pioneer fruit company, placer county, placerville, playboy, player piano rolls, plums, pma, polansky, pomegranates, pomona, pooley fruit company, porterville, portland, postcard collecting, poster art, posters, potatoes, pre- cooling, preservation, price guide, print collecting, printers, printing, printing press, printing history, prints, produce packing, produce markets, produce news, produce labels, produce industry, product packaging, prunes, racy, radishes, railroad history, raisins, ralph and terry kovel, rare labels, rare collectibles, red ball, redheads, refrigeration, rejobi , r.f. outcult, rhubarb, richey and gilbert, ridgway lithograph company, risque, riverside county, riverside orange labels, robert opie, robert t. Cochran co., Row crops, rudy schmidt, rural life, ryan and newton, ryan fruit company, s.A. Gerrard co., Sacramento river, salesmen sample books, salinas vegetable labels, salinas, salmon can labels, sample room, sample books, san francisco earthquake 1906, san fransicso lithography, san francisco, san francisciana, sanguinetti, santa claus, schlegel, schmidt lithograph company, schmidt, schmidt label and lithograph company, schwabacker-frey, schwencke, seattle, saul rayo, bukramusic, bukramuzik,, KVMR, litho stones, robert c. mannheim, sebastopol, seed packets, sgobel day, sgobel and day, shipping,, stone litho, shipping point inspection, shook, simons french, simons, shuttleworth french, simpson-doeller, siren, skookum dolls, skookum apple growers, snoboy, south carolina peach labels, southern oregon sales, spain, spanish labels, spanish orange labels, spanish citrus, spinach, spokane valley, spokane lithograph company, squash, stecher lithograph company, stecher- traung lithograph company, stecher-traung-schmidt, steinhardt kelley, stewart fruit company, stipple, stone printing, sun-maid raisens, sunkist, sunkist labels, sunset produce company, sunsweet prunes, susan naumes, sweet potatoes, t. Pat jacobsen, t.P. Jacobsen, tasmania apple labels, texas citrus and vegetable industry, texas vegetable labels, the depression, the packer, the dalles, the gifted line, thomas patrick jacobsen, thomas jacobsen, three dimensional nudes, thunderjet 500, tobacciana, tom polansky, tom jacobsen, tom fay, tomato labels, tomatoes, tommy jacobsen, tony hyman, topless, trains, trash or treasure, traung, traung label and lithograph, tree fruit, tucker-hanford, u.S.D.A., Union lithograph company, united states printing and litho co., Valencia, spain, valencias, varga, vegetable growing, vegetable labels, vegetable packing, vegetable production, vegetable, vicente abad garcia, vintage art, vintage advertising, victorian era, virtual gallery, vintage lithography, virtual malls, walla walla, walle and co., washington, washington history, washington state apple commission, washington apples, water history in the west, watsonville, watsonville apple labels, wenatchee, washington, wenatchee valley, wenoka, westamerica woodworks, western lithograph company, western history, MILLENNIUM GUIDE, MILLENNIUM GUIDE TO FRUIT CRATE LABELS,,, albaran, albalat de taronchers, albarat, alcantarilla, alcira, algemesi, algezares, alicante, novelda, almanera, almazora, almenera, antella, anvers, aufahuir, barcelona, bargosa, beniajan, murcia, benial, beniajaro, benifaro, benifaraig, berja, blanca, burriana, carcagente, callahora, castellon, corbera de alcira, cullera, delta, delayo, denia, enova, fuente, encarroz, gandia, granada, jansa, jativa, lijona, liege, leige, logrono, manuel, vali, madrid, molina de segura, moncofar, murcia, nules, oliva, orihuela, palau, palma de gandia, gandia, pego, picana, pintor, polina de jucar, potries, potres, potiers, pintor, puebla larga, puzol, ribera, rotgla, sagra, alicante, sagunto, santa cruz de tenerife, sedavi, simit de valencia, tabernes, naranjas, limone, tales, torreaguer, valencia, torrente, valle de uxo, vergal, villareal, villarreal, zaragosa, spanish citrus labels, labels of spain, spanish orange, a. hoen and co., a.carlisle and co., advertising, agri-lithography, agribusiness, agriculture, agrilithography, agrilitholigist, antique posters, advertising, agrilithology, albert delmasso, alois senefelder, amcal, american ephemera society, american antique graphics, american lithograph, american fruit growers, american ephemera society, ampico, antique labels, antique dealers, antiques, aolian, apple growers association, apple labels, apples, appraisals, apricot labels, archives, argentina, fruit industry, arizona, art collectors, art deco society, art nouveau, art, art deco, artichokes, artifact, artists, asparagus, auction, aurora h.o. model racing, australia apple labels, authentic labels, aviation history, avocados, b.c. printing and litho, barnes and noble, barnes and nobel, amazon.combancroft lithograph, beer labels,, beer ads, ben day, bentley house, berries , bill gaylord, bill bentley, blue anchor, blue goose, bob taffe, bookends, box labels, boyer printing co., brand-names, brandau-craig-dickerson, brass statue, british columbia, britton and rey, broccoli, brogdex, bronze statue, bronze nudes, buffalo beer, bulman bros. litho, buster browm, c.e. beck, c.f.f.l.x, Caddy labels, caesar chavez, cairne's antiques, california heartland, california orange box labels, california packing corporation, california state fair, california fresh fruit label exchange, california dream, california history, california fruit canners association, california fruit growers exchange, california fruit exchange, calvert litho, camembert labels, can labels, canada agriculture industry, canada, canadian labels, canneries, canning labels, cantaloupe labels, cantaloupes, carrots, cartons, case-end, cauliflower, celery, ceramic, cerebro lithographs, cfflx, chemical printing, cherries, cherry labels, children images, christmas, chromolithograph, chromolithography, cigar label gazzette, cigar box labels, cigar labels, citron, citrus label society, citrus labels, clip-art source, cold-storage, colin crews, collectibles dealers, collecting clubs, collector's guide, collectors, color advertising, color labels, columbian art works, commercial lithography, commercial art, computer mousepads, congdon, connell brothers, contra costa county, cooperative exchanges, copyright, cranberry labels, crate art, crate labels, crate expectations publishing, crate labels, crates, crim, crocker-union lithograph, crops, cubehouse, cucumber, currier and ives, dams, david freiberg, decanter, decorator items, del monte, denver lithograph co., Depression, design, di giorgio fruit corporation, digiorgio, diamond fruit growers, inc., Dick maule, dickman-jones, direct lithography, don wayne, don wirf, duckwall, duo art, dustbowl, dusty labels, duthie and company, dwayne rogers, e. Shelley morgan, earl fruit company, ebay, eccentricities, edwards and deutsch lithograph company, edwin t. Earl, eggplant, elvgren, ephemera, erotica, ettiquettas, exotica, exporters, f.C. Stettler mfg. Co., Farm life, farming, fava beans, figs, fine arts, firecracker labels, fishing collectibles, flavorseal, florida orange labels, florida growers press, flowers and plants, fly rods, fly fishing, food packaging, frank allen collection, frank gallucci, frank h. Buck co., Frankart, freygang-leary, fruit growers, fruit growers association, fruit labels, fruit brokers, fruit orchards, fruit crate label society, fruit packers, fruit wrappers, fruit crate labels, fruit box labels,, fruits and vegetables, fruitas y verduras, g.f. rust company, galloway lithographing company, gallucci, garlic, gaudette brothers swap meet, gaylord's mercantile, george s. harris and sons, george schlegel litho., German printing, ghiselli brothers, gift items, gilbert-jones-rugg co., Gini lukaszewski, girlie, gold rush, gordon mcclelland, grant-mann litho, grape labels, grapefruit labels, grapes, graphic arts, green gold, green beans, green onions, guide to fruit crate labels, h.S. Crocker company, halpin lithograph co., Hasbeens, hasbeenwannabees, hawaiian pineapple labels, health, heggblade- marguleas, henry gorham, hillcrest press, historians, historic labels, historic printers, historical consultant, history, hobby, hood river, oregon, hotel del monte, hula girl, hunt-hatch co., Idaho, ikeda's, image licensing, publishing, images ago, importers, indians tribe names, investment opportunities, irrigation, jacobsen's first international price guide, janie steele, japanese agriculture, jay last, jerry chicone jr, jim and linda mackie, joe davidson, john grossman, john medley, john salkin, justman-frankenthal, karen hofstadt - salmon labels, kay - marshall, kiwi, kovel's, kvie, l.A. Miller, l.P. Ginsburg co., Label collecting, label, label buyer, label collectors, label art, labelling, labology, lake county, lambert marketing company, lastreto, laurie gordon, lawson-marden, lehmann printing and lithograph co., lemon labels, let's talk fruit labels, lettuce, lettuce labels, levy zentner, liberty gold fruit company, ligo, licensing images, limes, limestone printing, limone, litho stone, litho, lithograph history, lithograph, lithographers, lithographic, lithographics, lithographing, lithography, log of a cabin boy, logos, loreley, lorie cairnes, lorne allmon, los angeles lithograph co., Louis roesch company, louisiana yams, louisiana yam labels, lug box labels, lugs, lukaszewski, m. Schmidt and company, manzanar, marcas de las fruitas, marilyn blaisdell, marketing, markets, max schmidt, medford, meihle presses, melon labels, melons, memorabilia, mendelson-zeller, mendocino county, mermaid, mike davos, missions, model motering, moire, mousepads, mr. Max, muirson label and lithograph co, museu de la taronja - espana, museums, mutual label and lithographic, naked lady, naumes, navel orange, nectarines, neuner litho, new zealand, new york grape labels, north-central washington, northwest fruit exchange, nova scotia, nuart, nuchief, nude photography, nude statuary, nudist, offset lithography, okra, old promises, old west, old advertising, olives, olsen bros. Litho, olsen lithograph company, onions, orange labels, orange groves, orange wrappers, orange grove cottage, orange crate labels, orange box labels, oranges, orchard, orcharding, orchards, oregon, state history, oregon, organic farming, original paper collectibles, original labels, otis mcallister co., Out of the west publishing, inc., Owens valley water project, pacific label news, pacific fruit exchange, pacific coast history, pacific fruit and produce, packaging, package design, packin' house, packing labels, packing house labels, paper collectibles, paper collector's marketplace, pat jacobsen's collector's guide to fruit, pat jacobsen's first international price guide, patco enterprises, patco internet, pcm, peach labels, peaches, pear labels, pears, peas, peppers, persimmons, petty, pflueger reels, photo-mechanical, pin-up art, pineapple labels, pingree-brengle, pingree-traung, pioneer fruit company, placer county, placerville, playboy, player piano rolls, plums, pma, polansky, pomegranates, pomona,,,,, cclabels, dee turgeman, pooley fruit company, porterville, portland, postcard collecting, poster art, posters, potatoes, pre- cooling, preservation, price guide, print collecting, printers, printing, printing press, printing history, prints, produce packing, produce markets, produce news, produce labels, produce industry, product packaging, prunes, racy, radishes, railroad history, raisins, ralph and terry kovel, rare labels, rare collectibles, red ball, redheads, refrigeration,, rejobi , r.f. outcult, rhubarb, richey and gilbert, ridgway lithograph company, risque, riverside county, riverside orange labels, robert opie, robert t. Cochran co., Row crops, rudy schmidt, rural life, ryan and newton, ryan fruit company, s.a. Gerrard co., Sacramento river, salesmen sample books, salinas vegetable labels, salinas, salmon can labels, sample room, sample books, san francisco earthquake 1906, san fransicso lithography, san francisco, san francisciana, sanguinetti, santa claus, schlegel, schmidt lithograph company, schmidt, schmidt label and lithograph company, schwabacker-frey, schwencke, seattle,, litho stones, robert c. mannheim, sebastopol, seed packets, sgobel and day, sgobel and day, shipping,, stone litho, shipping point inspection, shook, simons and french, simons, shuttleworth and french, simpson-doeller, siren, skookum dolls, skookum apple growers, snoboy, south carolina peach labels, southern oregon sales, spain, spanish labels, spanish orange labels, spanish citrus, spinach, spokane valley, spokane lithograph company, squash, stecher lithograph company, stecher- traung lithograph company, stecher-traung-schmidt, steinhardt and kelley, stewart fruit company, stipple, stone printing, sun-maid raisens, sunkist, sunkist labels, sunset produce company, sunsweet prunes, susan naumes, sweet potatoes, t. Pat jacobsen, t.P. Jacobsen, tasmania apple labels, texas citrus and vegetable industry, texas vegetable labels, the depression, the packer, the dalles, the gifted line, thomas patrick jacobsen, thomas jacobsen, three dimensional nudes, thunderjet 500, tobacciana, tom polansky, tom jacobsen, tom fay, tomato labels, tomatoes, tommy jacobsen, tony hyman, topless, trains, trash or treasure, traung, traung label and lithograph, tree fruit, tucker-hanford, U.S.D.A., Union lithograph company, united states printing and litho co., Valencia, spain, valencias, varga, vegetable growing, vegetable labels, vegetable packing, vegetable production, vegetable, vicente abad garcia, vintage art, vintage advertising, victorian era, virtual gallery, vintage lithography, virtual malls, walla walla, walle and co., washington, washington history, washington state apple commission, washington apples, water history in the west, watsonville, watsonville apple labels, wenatchee, washington, wenatchee valley, wenoka, westamerica woodworks, western lithograph company, western history,,, albaran, albalat de taronchers, albarat, alcantarilla, alcira, algemesi, algezares, alicante, novelda, almanera, almazora, almenera, antella, anvers, aufahuir, barcelona, bargosa, beniajan, murcia, benial, beniajaro, benifaro, benifaraig, berja, blanca, burriana, carcagente, callahora, castellon, corbera de alcira, cullera, delta, delayo, denia, enova, fuente, encarroz, gandia, granada, jansa, jativa, lijona, liege, leige, logrono, manuel, vali, madrid, molina de segura, moncofar, murcia, nules, oliva, orihuela, palau, palma de gandia, gandia, pego, picana, pintor, polina de jucar, potries, potres, potiers, pintor, puebla larga, puzol, ribera, rotgla, sagra, alicante, sagunto, santa cruz de tenerife, sedavi, simit de valencia, tabernes, naranjas, limone, tales, torreaguer, valencia, torrente, valle de uxo, vergal, villareal, villarreal, zaragosa, spanish citrus labels, labels of spain, spanish orange, naranjas, marcas, marcas de las naranjas, etiquetas naranjeras de espana, sushi, arigatoo, guide to sushi. Rayo, kamm macdonald, mikail graham, ken hegstrom, eric chun, billy bensing, real george, kirby's creekside, stanmyre, christine bonner and rob, lorraine gervais, samantha brown, foggy mountain music, cooper's saloon, friar tuck's, sierra brewfest, auburn jazzfest, cajunfest, bluegrassfest, wineries, breweries, concerts in California venues, talent scout, talent agent, world music festival, cocina del mundo, miner's foundry, the other studio, e-magic, emagic, cheryl zatuchni, mystafya, miya sushi, kvmr, deadbeats, syrcl, mondavi center,, tahoe jazz,, objects in the mirror, google, alta vista, ask jeeves, yahoo, look smart, about, teoma, findwhat,
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